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2003 Menghai Brown Mountain Wild Arbor ( 180 years ) Raw Puerh 

This compressed tea cake is made from purely top quality leaves hand picked from altitude 1800m in Brown Mountian , Yunnan in early spring 2003. Only leaves fromTree up to180 years old are used to this cake.

This cake is reaching its mature stage. Most of the high note fragrance has turned into a mature mellow, heart warm nutty flavour yet displaying a hint of fruity and bittersweet of raw puerh. It is very rich in mineral taste and thickness , however it carries little or even unnoticeable earthy taste of other ripe puerh. That is a true reflection of a authentic wild arbor over over 100 years old. This cake needs long steeping time between 1 st rd to 3 rd steep since it is pretty compact.  Then It can go very stable for at least 12 steeps. The mix of heart waming sweetnes of ripe puerh and fruity bittersweetness of its former stage legacy. We are very satisfied with the aging condition and the quality of the leaves.

2003 Menghai Brown Mountain Wild Arbor Raw Puerh

  • Origin: Brown Mount. , Menghai , Yunnan


    Date of Pick: 2003 Spring


    Elevation : 1800m


    Bud to Leaf Ratio: 1 bud : 1 / 2 leaf


    Taste: Most of the high note fragrance has turned into a mature mellow, heart warming nutty flavour yet displaying a hint of fruity and bittersweet of raw puerh. It is very rich in mineral taste and thickness , however it carries little or even unnoticeable earthy taste of other ripe puerh. That is a true reflection of a authentic wild arbor over over 100 years old.


    Net Weight : 357 g


    Tea Bush : Mengku large-leaf tea bush species (about 180 years old)


    Caffeine: Medium caffeine (less than 20% of a cup of coffee)

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