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2018 Spring Yiwu Arbor Black Valley Raw Puerh


10% Off for 2 Tea Cakes !!


Yiwu Arbor Black Valley Raw Puerh, specifically the aged arbor variety, is considered a premium tea leaf with exceptional taste and quality. The tea is made from leaves harvested from old arbor trees (120 years old) in the Yiwu region of Yunnan province, China.


Aged arbor trees are highly valued for their deep roots, which allow them to absorb nutrients from the soil and develop complex flavors over time. These trees can range from several decades to centuries old, and their age contributes to the unique characteristics found in the tea.


When brewed, Yiwu Arbor Black Valley Raw Puerh has a rich and smooth taste. The flavor profile can vary depending on the specific batch and age of the tea, but it often exhibits a combination of floral, fruity, and earthy notes. The tea may have hints of honey, orchid, stone fruit, or even a subtle smokiness.


The premium nature of this tea is also reflected in its texture. Yiwu Arbor Black Valley Raw Puerh is known for its velvety and full-bodied mouthfeel. It can have a pleasing astringency that adds depth to the overall taste experience.


Furthermore, aged arbor Puerh teas like Yiwu Arbor Black Valley have the potential to develop even more complexity and depth of flavor as they mature over time. With proper storage in a cool and dry environment, the tea leaves undergo gradual fermentation and transformation, resulting in flavors that become more nuanced and refined.


Due to their desirability and limited supply, aged arbor Puerh teas, especially those from renowned regions like Yiwu, are often considered prized possessions by tea collectors and enthusiasts. They are sought after for their exceptional taste, aging potential, and the cultural significance associated with these teas in the world of Puerh appreciation.

2018 Spring Yiwu Arbor Black Valley Raw Puerh

SKU: ptrac188
$13.00 Regular Price
$9.75Sale Price
  • Origin: Yiwu, Yunnan


    Date of Pick: 2018 Spring


    Elevation : 1600m


    Bud to Leaf Ratio: 1 bud : 1 / 2 leaf


    Taste: This cake is very mellow as a raw puerh along with a low to medium bitterness. Meanwhile, you can find the light fruitness remains and blends very well with the mature puerh mellowness. It is ideal for tea lovers who enjoy a sweet puerh with medium mineral note.


    Net Weight : 357 g


    Tea Bush : Grade 1 Mengai large-leaf tea bush species (120 years old)


    Caffeine: Medium caffeine (less than 20% of a cup of coffee)

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