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Lao Man'E Ban Zhang Raw Puerh - Double Bitterness


10% Off for 2 Tea Cakes !!


This is a raw puerh by the Lao Man'e Tea Factory of Menghai. This cake is a blend of leaves from two regions : Ban Zhang & Lao Man E.  The leaves were harvested and pressed into cake in 2007. Menghai area teas and then pressed in 2011.   It was aged in Guangdong until August 2018, and then Kunming thereafter.


Ban Zhang & Lao Man E is well known amongst PuErh lovers as an area producing potent tea with nuanced fruits and sweetness fighting their way through layers of bitterness. 


This PuErh has all the punch and strength of the original, raw Lao Man E & Ban Zhang. However,  the bitters are rounded and shortened to allow a crescendo of woodsy fruits and starchy sweetness to fill the mouth. The roasting has added a depth of colour and caramel warmth similar to a roasted Oolong. It has tempered the rushiness of young PuErh to leave you feeling high without any bitterness.


Lao Man'E Ban Zhang Raw Puerh - Double Bitterness

SKU: ptrac104
  • Origin:  Yunnan


    Date of Pick: 2007 Spring


    Elevation : 1800m


    Bud to Leaf Ratio: 1 bud : 1 / 2 leaf


    Taste: The bitters are rounded and shortened to allow a crescendo of woodsy fruits and starchy sweetness to fill the mouth. The roasting has added a depth of colour and caramel warmth similar to a roasted Oolong. It has tempered the rushiness of young PuErh to leave you feeling high without any bitteriness.


    Net Weight : 357 g


    Tea Bush : Mengku Large-leaf tea bush species (about  130 years old)


    Caffeine: Medium caffeine (less than 20% of a cup of coffee)

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